Mitie reporting: delivering a clear, consistent story

Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities management company, tasked us to communicate how they are perfectly placed to help their customers achieve their Net Zero goals, via a unified communications narrative across both their Annual report and their ESG report.

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Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities management company, tasked us to communicate how they are perfectly placed to help their customers achieve their Net Zero goals, via a unified communications narrative across both their Annual report and their ESG report.

Engaging through multi-channels: We helped Mitie communicate their continued success by showcasing their capability enablers across highly visual, engaging spreads, throughout the report. These spreads also act as links to online video content which present personal success stories, advances in technology and decarbonisation consultancy services.

ESG reporting: Alongside the Annual report we produce the online ESG report which communicates Mitie’s commitment to ESG and how it underpins everything they do as a business, including how they deliver for their customers, support their colleagues, work with local communities and protect the planet.

Delivering Mitie’s strategy: Mitie’s capability enablers took centre stage throughout the report, helping communicate how their business is underpinned by technology, a focus on sustainability and their colleagues.

Ownership of strategy: Mitie’s interlinked strategic pillars and social value framework sit firmly within the CEO’s strategic review, with clear links to further reading throughout the report.

Creating consistency: We applied Mitie’s brand to create a unified suite of reporting across all formats.

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