Invest Europe website: effective member engagement

As part of an ongoing brand development roll-out, Invest Europe’s new website needed to drive more effective engagement with its main audiences including member firms, policy makers, investee companies and media.

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As part of an ongoing brand development roll-out, Invest Europe’s new website needed to drive more effective engagement with its main audiences including member firms, policy makers, investee companies and media.

Invest Europe represents Europe’s private equity, venture capital and infrastructure investment firms, as well as their investors, which include some of Europe’s largest pension funds and insurers. 

Friend has been Invest Europe’s brand and engagement partner since 2013, advising and delivering on positioning, renaming, visual identity and multi-channel communications. A key phase of development was to create a digital platform that would meet Invest Europe’s future engagement needs, and the changing demands of its audiences over the coming years.

Across research, planning, design and build we delivered an end-to-end digital strategy – from a new future-scalable website CMS platform, to content, UX and branding that brings the site to life, and highlights private equity’s positive impact on business and society across Europe.

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