Here are some key takeaways from the article:
The shift from print to digital software has started
Digital reporting is here. It’s taken 30 years but with advances in regulations and software, reporting is finally catching up with the web. We are now seeing innovative reporters begin the shift to digital-first, multi-format reporting. A groundbreaking example is Oakley Capital Investments’ 2023 Annual Report. This report is fully interactive and delivers ESEF compliance combined with all the online features audiences expect from digital.
Multi-format, single source reporting
Digital reporting software delivers all required formats (PDF, print, online and tagged filing) from a single source of content.
Digital accessibility regulations now affect reporting
Accessibility compliance is vital now that the mandatory digital format (XHTML) is published online. Your agency will need to ensure that your mandatory ESEF/CSRD report can be accessed by all users on all devices, and this is best achieved with digital reporting software. This can’t be done using InDesign print software, or a PDF as the source.
Digital software will be needed for CSRD compliance
A CSRD-compliant report has to be prepared in the ESEF (European Single Electronic Format). This is a web format (XHTML). Using print-based PDF as the source for the tagged report is a convenient and easy stepping stone for this, but PDF is not suitable for long-term compliance and tagging. This is another reason we are now offering the option to move to digital reporting software.
Digitisation offers many other benefits for companies and stakeholders, and is more efficient, user friendly and data compliant. You can read the full article here. Contact us at to find out how we can support you on the digital-first journey.